Founder of the Strong Life Fitness brand and training system. I started working as a fitness instructor in 2013. I graduated on the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education in Sarajevo. I played football for 10 years. Currently, I work as group, semi-individual and individual trainer. I was the first to bring Basic Pro Coach, KO8 Fitness, and the Hard Body training systems to Sarajevo. At the beginning of my job as a coach, I mostly worked with recreational athletes, and in recent years with an increasing number of professional athletes.
Working with a large number of people through group, private trainings, and goint to various seminars and trainings, I developed communication skills and gained a lot of knowledge and experience that I am happy to share with my clients. I am very organized, and in every job, as well as in my training, I give my maximum, and try to be a role model to my clients!