
Hi there! My name is Abby and if you are searching on this website there is something inside you saying you want to change.

You may have a clear idea of what that “change” looks like - not eating McDonald’s, going to the gym three times a week - or, if you are like most of my clients, you know you want to be a “better” healthier you and just don’t know how to get there. If you have tried all the fad diets or fad workout programs and failed, if you usually give up after a few months, if you think you can’t do it and there is no way you will ever make a real permanent change, then you are the new client I am looking for.


At Abby Ball Fitness you CAN and WILL make long-lasting healthy changes to your lifestyle, fitness, and eating habits. If you are waiting until you are ready, you will be waiting a long time. My clients are never truly ready. I don’t think anybody is, but if you don’t start now then when will you start? On “Monday” with everyone else?


-NASM Certified Personal Trainer

-NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist

-ISSA Nutrition Coach 

-PPSC Specialist 

-IFBB Bikini Pro 


