
Kenzie is a holistic health coach, fitness & movement specialist, flexibility coach, and former collegiate athlete who is passionate about empowering female athletes to live and be their happiest, healthiest selves, and achieve their goals.


Her workouts— whether they're strength or yoga based— are written with intention and designed to leave clients feeling energized, confident, strong, and connected. Whether the goal is to achieve a collegiate scholarship, keep up with the kiddos, lose weight, or anything in between, she has the knowledge and skillset to help you achieve your best.


Her mission is to help those who are willing to listen to their body, establish sustainable health,  and relentlessly pursue their goals.


Street Cred

  • B.A. in Health Science from Carroll College in Helena, MT
  • Institute for Integrative Nutrition Certified Health Coach
  • NASM Certified Personal Trainer
  • NASM Certified Flexibility Coach
  • ACE Group Fitness Instructor
  • 95 hour Rainbow Kids Yoga Instructor
  • 95 hour Yoga Ed. Kids & Teen Yoga Instructor
  • Stretch22 Certified Stretchologist
  • Certified Row House Coach
  • Certified Barre Above Instructor
  • PPSC Certified Coach

