The Pain-Free Performance Specialist Certification (PPSC) is an integrated system for trainers, coaches & clinicians to optimize their client’s fitness and performance around the common presence of pain, dysfunction and injuries.

You will master some of the most powerful injury prevention methods and be able to take instant action implementing Dr. John Rusin’s Pain-Free Performance Training System.



• Optimize the 6 Foundational Movement Patterns

• Screen each Movement Pattern in Real Time

• Assess the Shoulder, Hip, Ankle & Low Back

• Program & Coach the 6-Phase Dynamic Warm Up Sequences

• Use Soft Tissue, Self Myofascial Release and Stretching Drills

• Implement Mobility and Corrective Exercise Protocols

• Coach Postural Re-education and Activation Drills

• Deliver Central Nervous System Stimulation Strategies

• Coach and Cue the Foundational Movement Patterns

• Program via the Movement Pattern Pyramid System

• Build Long-Term Health Through Strength & Resilience

Get PPSC Certified Anywhere in the World, On Your Terms

The PPSC is going ONLINE for the ONLY time this year! After certifying over 10,000 coaches, trainers and clinicians IN-PERSON across the globe over the last four years, this is our ONE TIME per year opportunity to earn your credential as a Certified Pain-Free Performance Specialist online from anywhere in the world.

Here’s how the PPSC course works.

    1. Register online, and join your instructors, PPSC Founder Dr. John Rusin and team with an interactive and integrated experience into pain-free performance training.
    2. Exclusive recordings will be available to participants via individual invite after purchase. Watch, learn and review on your own time.
    3. After completion of all 16 hours of course material, complete the online multiple choice PPSC credentialing exam and immediately download your certificate as a Pain-Free Performance Specialist.

Access to the PPSC course is just the start. Once you’re a PPSC alumni you will also get:


  1. First notice and/or discounts on future courses & other online resources.
  2. Direct access to continuing education through the exclusive PPSC Coaches community.

How it looked before...


The Online PPSC was recorded in a closed studio with multiple High Resolution Cameras and High Quality Microphones making this the best quality Online Certification available. Course content was presented by Dr John Rusin, Dr Justin Farnsworth and Clifton Harski with additional resources & support provided by the team via our exclusive educational platform that you can acces on the web or by downloading a free app.

What PPSC Attendees Are Saying…

“PPSC is the cornerstone tool for the way we keep our clients healthy”

“After being introduced to the Pain-Free Performance System 3-years ago, I was able to finally battle back from a serious back injury that I’d been struggling with for almost a decade. Not only did the system work to get me out of pain, but I also made some serious progress improving strength and muscle mass with no nagging issues to this day. From there, Vigor Ground Fitness has continued implementing this system with our coaches and clients which has become a cornerstone tool for way we keep our clients healthy and getting results.”

Luka Hocevar

Owner of Vigor Ground Fitness

“In just 30 mins, I now have ways to solve or work around their pain so we can move forward together working on their fitness goals.”

“The PPSC 6-Phase Dynamic Warm Up is my go-to. When I take on a new client I now have ways to solve or work around their pain so we can move forward together working on their fitness goals. I have more confidence addressing underlying linchpins and building a program to meet them where they’re at and I can offer a lot of value by coaching them through a successful, pain-free session.

Jean Dickerson Personal Trainer & Fitness Manager, Crunch Fitness

“Focus on one thing – moving PAIN-FREE!”

“We had a great time this weekend attending the Pain-Free Performance Specialist Certification. The PPSC put together a great seminar helping us further understand the importance of developing a more concrete dynamic warm up, an even greater systematic screening approach with emphasis on the 6 foundational movement patterns. We were also provided the tools for on-going assessing in both the group and individual setting – all with the focus on one thing: moving PAIN-FREE.

Tim Steel

Owner of YorkFit

“PPSC has given me an excellent framework for assessing, creating and implementing!”

“Every client that comes to me has a muscular imbalance, previous injury, or poor movement mechanics. But their goal is often the same- get stronger without injuring or re-injury. The PPSC certification has given me an excellent framework for not only assessing those movement discrepancies but also creating and implementing a thoughtful and intelligent strength program. I feel more confident working with my people and that is invaluable. Thank you so much!”

Kali Stewart​

Owner of Scend Fitness​

be a part of the PPSC family - get pain-free certified online!

The PPSC Online Certification features the full 16-hours Pain-Free Performance Specialist Certification (PPSC) curriculum and BONUS RESOURCES. Get is all from the comfort of your own home. And keep it forever.

PPSC Course Curriculum

Introduction To The 6-Phase Dynamic Warm Up Sequence
1.1 Pain: The Biggest Problem Facing The Fitness Industry
1.2 Bridging The Gap Between Pain, Prevention and Performance
1.3 Prioritizing Health and Performance First To Optimize Performance
1.4 The Compounding Power of Prehab
1.5 The 6-Phase Dynamic Warm Up Sequence

Soft Tissue and Self Myofascial Release Techniques
2.1 Breaking Down Mythical Misconceptions of Foam Rolling
2.2 SMR For Pain-Free, Painful and Dysfunctional Movers
2.3 Oscillatory Soft Tissue Technique
2.4 Neurological Trigger Point Technique
2.5 Global SMR Techniques
2.6 Prioritizing Results Based Soft Tissue Practice
2.7 Regional Focuses For Soft Tissue Work
2.8 PRACTICAL: Oscillatory vs. Trigger Point vs. Global

0.1 Down Regulation via Parasympathetic Breathing 

0.2 Global Metrics of Parasypmethetic Access

Bi-Phasic Stretching and Mobility Protocols
3.1 Not All Forms of Stretching Are Created Equally
3.2 Debunking Dogmatic Stretching Theory
3.3 The Painful Side of Stretching
3.4 Parameters of Bi-Phasic Stretching Protocols
3.6 Regional Focuses For Stretching and Mobility
3.6 PRACTICAL: Regional Focuses for Stretching Applicable to the Upcoming Training Session

Corrective Based Exercise Strategies
4.1 The Singular Goal For Implementing A Corrective Exercise
4.2 The 3 S’s To Successfully Implementing Corrective Exercise
4.3 Common Linchpin Corrective Strategies
4.4 Taking Caution With Correctives
4.5 The Motor Control Gap
4.6 Focused Corrective Exercise Execution
4.7 PRACTICAL: Correctives Damn Near Everyone Needs

Postural Activation Drills
5.1 A Functional Definition of Activation
5.2 Where To Prioritize Postural Activation Strategies
5.3 Requisites of Authentic Activation
5.4 Achieving Shoulder and Hip Centration
5.5 Proper Programming of Activation Drills
5.6 PRACTICAL: The Cornerstones of Stability and Activation

Foundational Movement Pattern Development
6.1 Matching Movements With Key Performance Indicators
6.2 Screening The 6 Foundational Movement Patterns
6.3 Fine-Tuning Foundations with Coaching vs. Training
6.4 Grooving The Patterns with Proper Programming Exercise Selection
6.5 PRACTICAL: Move Like A Human Before You Move Like An Athlete

Central Nervous System Stimulation Strategies
7.1 The Power of The Central Nervous System
7.2 Two Main Mechanisms of CNS Stimulation
7.3 The Post Activation Potentiation Phenomenon
7.4 Superset CNS Stimulation Strategies
7.5 Programming CNS Stimulators
7.6 PRACTICAL: Jumps, Jacks, Plyos and More

The Plan Smarter Strategy Session

8.1 Multiple templates for Systemized Client Intake Based on Client Avatar and Need

Introduction To Optimizing The 6 Foundational Movement Patterns
9.1 Utilizing The 6-Phase Dynamic Warm Up Blueprint
9.2 The Importance of Foundational Movement Patterning
9.3 What About Rotation As The 7 th Movement Pattern?
9.4 Screening vs. Assessment Protocols

The Squat Pattern
10.1 Prioritizing the Squat as a Foundational Movement Pattern
10.2 Improving Stance Via The Bottom’s Up Squat Screen and Screening Load Interaction’s Ability to Alter Pattern

10.3 Screening and Assessing the Ankle Complex for Mobility and Joint Restriction
10.4 Passive and Active Hip Range of Motion and Mobility Assessment
10.5 Finding The Perfect Squat: The Hip Quadrant Testing Protocol
10.6 Programming the Squat Pattern
10.7 Pain-Free Squat Pattern Movement Pyramid

10.8 Go-To Strategies for Addressing Common Pain Points in the Squat

The Hip Hinge Pattern
11.1 Prioritizing the Hinge as a Foundational Movement Pattern

11.2 Screening Top Down Hinge Pattern

11.3 Differentiating Anterior vs. Posterior Hinge Approach
11.4 Finding The Perfect Deadlift: Measuring the RDL, Conventional, Hybrid and Sumo Stances
11.5 Correcting Hip Hinge Pattern Pain and Dysfunction

11.6 Programming the Hinge Pattern
11.7 Pain-Free Hip Hinge Pattern Movement Pyramid

11.8 Go-To Strategies for Addressing Common Pain Points in the Hinge

The Lunge (Single Leg) Pattern
12.1 The 3 Levels of “Single Leg” Training
12.2 Screening The Split Squat, Lunge and Single Leg RDL
12.3 Advanced Single Leg Assessment: Balance
12.4 Differentiating Ankle vs. Hip vs. Torso Stability Strategies
12.5 Correcting Single Leg Pattern Pain and Dysfunction

12.6 Programming the Lunge Pattern
12.7 Pain-Free Single Leg Pattern Movement Pyramid

12.8 Go-To Strategies for Addressing Common Pain Points in the Lunge

The Upper Body Push Pattern
13.1 Screening The Functional Power of The Push Up
13.2 Finding The Perfect Shoulder Position: The Shoulder Scour Test

13.3 Training Strategies For The Push Pattern
13.4 Correcting Push Pattern Pain and Dysfunction

13.5 Programming the Push Pattern
13.6 Pain-Free Push Pattern Movement Pattern Pyramid

13.7 Go-To Strategies for Addressing Common Pain Points in the Push

The Upper Body Pull Pattern
14.1 Similarities and Differences in Push and Pull Patterns
14.2 Screening The Full Body Pull Pattern

14.3 Advanced Pull Pattern Assessment Via Vertical Plane of Motion
14.4 Programming Pain-Free Shoulder Training Ratios
14.5 Correcting Pull Pattern Pain and Dysfunction
14.6 Pain-Free Pull Pattern Movement Pattern Pyramid

14.7 Go-To Strategies for Addressing Common Pain Points in the Pull

The (Locomotive) Carry Pattern

15.1 Fun, Function, Frailty and Failure

15.2 Metrics of Longevity

15.3 Important Testing that Can Be Implemented Safely and Effectively in the Fitness Professional Scope of Practice

15.4 The Simplest Non-Negotiable Screen For Locomotion
15.5 Loading The Locomotion Pattern
15.6 Established Performance Metrics of Loaded Carries
15.7 The Synergistic Function of The Pillar Complex
15.8 The 5 Keystone Developmental Positions
15.9 Correcting Carry Pattern Pain and Dysfunction
15.10 Pain-Free Carry Pattern Movement Pattern Pyramid

Programming The Pain-Free Training System

16.1 The Big 3 Rules for Pain-Free Training

16.2 Additional Considerations for Pain-Free Training

16.3 Templates and Sample Programs for Different Client Avatars and Training Frequency Splits

16.4 Progression, Variety & Variation

What Past Certified PPSC Coaches Are Saying...

Easily one of the best certifications of my life I’m a nasm master trainer
Issa strength and conditioning specialist Powerlifting certified instructor through NCCPT Compete in the usapl and club coach and I’ve been an Orangetheory fitness coach over 6 years
This by far hands down worth every penny of an investment into learning master level communication to help my people move pain free through space thank you all so much!

Heidi A.

Hands-down the best weekend workshop and certification I’ve attended in the fitness industry so far, in almost 20 years. I’m excited (as are many of my clients) to put what I learned into action. I’m grateful to be a part of the PPSC team.

Thanks to you all, and I’ll be seeing you in the Master’s course!

Annette G.

Hands down the best online learning experience I’ve had
and easily one of the best overall courses I’ve had the pleasure to be a part of. This system and approach to the screening, assessment, and training/coaching of my clients will be a game changer and will help refocus and optimize the use of all the other tools I’ve acquired over the years. So stoked I made the decision to invest and am fuckin pumped to get to take the course again IN PERSON in 2021.. Ciao for now amigos

Dennis C.

I got into this profession 10 years ago after I crashed and burned doing something very different for a living. I had to figure out how to rebuild my body and my resilience -it took a couple of years and it wasn’t easy. Now well over 50, and working with clients 50-90 years old, the objective of staying pain-free and active for a long healthy life is a daily focus. No other program has so easily integrated itself with what I have learned from other fitness programs while cutting through the dogmatic BS that permeates our field. I have the tools, skills and empowerment now to overcome my own limitations related to my injury history and have already made a difference in a few days with my clients. Looking forward to meeting the PPSC team in person next year. I’ll be the one who’s not bald LOL!

William G.


ACE, NASM, ISSA, NSCA, NCSF, ACSM, CANFITPRO, AFAA, CSEP and more all grant CEU's for this course.

7 tickets left at the reduced rate! (Regular Price $999)

FAQ Virtual PPSC Course

This Online PPSC course will be taught by the Dr John Rusin, Dr Justin Farnsworth and Clifton Harski. Dr. Rusin no longer teaches live events, so this a rare opportunity to learn the Pain-Free Performance Training System from the creator himself.

After you register, you’ll get an email inviting you to create an account on our exclusive education platform. You can access this via a web brower or, once you’ve created your account, you can download a free app for mobile devices.

Yes! After you watch the videos, you will be to write the online mutliple choice exam and earn your Pain-Free Performance Specialist Certification (the same exact credential that over 10,000 coaches have earned live and online over the last 5 years). Now the PPSC is available and accessible to everyone, anywhere in the world without travel, safety or scheduling concerns.

There is NO scheduled set of dates. All content is pre-recorded and availalbe for you to watch at your own pace, on your time, with no expiry date. Once you register, you’ll have access to this content FOREVER.


Email our Logan, our Director of Education: