Pain Free Performance Specialist Rehab Strong(ER) Certification
The 2-Day PPSC Rehab Stonge(ER) Course will fundamentally change the way you approach patient care while improving your confidence and skills at prescribing exercise based interventions.
There is a well defined and evidence supported gap that exists between rehab education and real work application. 89% of Physical Therapists agree that prescribing resistance exercise is part of their role however only 49% feel confident in doing so*
An annual increase in sedentary lifestyles and inactivity demonstrate the need for more exercise based interventions and we believe Rehab Pros should be on the front lines as leaders in Preventative, Pro-active Health Care.
We will be spending time not only discussing but also coaching each other in real time in order to improve application and confidence in the PPSC system.
We will help you bridge the gap from rehab to performance and from clinical education to real world application.
*Many physiotherapists lack preparedness to prescribe physical activity and exercise to people with musculoskeletal pain: A. multi-national survey. C J Barton et al. Phys Ther Sport 2021 May.
The 2-Day Pain-Free Performance Specialist Rehab Strong(ER) Certification is an integrated prevention and rehab based system for Physical Therapists to optimize their patients rehab, fitness and performance around the common presence of pain, dysfunction and injuries.
In this 16-hour certification course, attendees will master some of the most powerful rehab and injury prevention based theories, methods and modalities to take instant action in the implementation the Pain-Free Performance Training System, including:
- Optimizing the 6 Foundational Movement Patterns
- Real Time Movement Patterns Screening Protocols
- Advanced Assessments of the Shoulder, Hip, Ankle and Low Back
- The 6-Phase Rehab Sequencing System
- Soft Tissue, Self Myofascial Release Drills
- Mobility and Corrective Exercise Protocols
- Postural Reeducation and Activation Drills
- Central Nervous System Stimulation Strategies
- Pain-Free Rehab Programming via Movement Pattern Pyramid System
- Coaching and Curing the Foundational Movement Patterns
- Building Long Term Health Through Pain-Free Strength and Resilience

COURSE TIMES WILL TYPICALLY BE 10AM-6PM Saturday, 8AM-4PM on Sunday with 1 hour for lunch each day midway through.

Developed by injury prevention expert Dr. John Rusin, The Pain-Free Performance Specialist Certification is an integrated prevention based system for optimizing performance around the presence of pain and dysfunction.
The PPSC Rehab course is led by the PPSC Director of Rehab, Dr. Justin Farnsworth PT, DPT, SCS, CSCS, PPSC, FDN, CAFS. Justin is a Board Certified Sports Physical Therapist with 11 years of clinical experience on top of 20 years of training and performance experience. As an ex-collegiate and professional soccer player, Justin has utilized his unique skill set as a coach and practitioner to create a hybrid performance therapy management of his clientele consisting of elite level athletes, military and tactical operators and the general fitness population.

What our PPSC
Alumni are
“Hands down one of the best courses I’ve attended”
“PPSC combines multiple rehabilitation philosophies into one comprehensive logical strategy. Whether you are a manual therapist, a functional movement specialist, strengthen and conditioning specialist or focus on neuromuscular activation / EMG studies in your practice you will leave this course with valuable insights that challenge you to think about rehab holistically. This course is the missing link between the siloed practice patterns in physical therapy. You want evidence informed concepts, you will get it here! This course has wide applications whether you practice in geriatrics or sports, the concepts taught during the course can be applied across most populations. Justin Farnsworth is a passionate and unfiltered presenter who demonstrates mastery of the knowledge and effectively conveys the background literature to support the concepts discussed. In our often siloed practice environment this course is a unified challenge to the status quo..”
“I use the PPSC course material in my clinical practice every single day..”
It provides a framework for my treatment plans, a foundation for patient education and is the backbone of nearly every home exercise program I create. This course elevated my clinical practice from day one and I highly recommend it for any clinician who places exercise at the core of their treatment philosophy. Dr. David Skolnik, PT, DPT, CCPC, PPSC
“There is no system that streamlines the rehab process as simply and effectively as the PPSC."
In my three decades of clinical and performance work with professional and every day athletes, there is no system that streamlines the rehab process as simply and effectively as the PPSC. I use these principles daily to help people get out of pain and to improve their training skills and health for the long term.
“The PPSC did an amazing job adding clinical application so that we could apply this to patients on day 1. "
I had the pleasure of hosting the Pain-Free Performance (PPSC) Clinical Course at my facility and will say that it was a great compliment to the PPSC that I had completed 2 years prior. As a profession, physical therapists lack the education of proper loading strategies as well as exercise progression. This course did a great job with both and will continue to be a staple in my practice. Thank you, Justin, and the PPSC team for continuing to challenge the "status quo" of physical therapy so that we can better serve our patients.