Advanced strategies for clients 
of any age, ability, aches or pains.


all events are 10-6 sat and 9-5 sunday.

The Wait Is Over,
the Pain-Free TRAINING METHODS CERT Is Here...

Level up your systems, skills and results with Pain-Free Performance’s TRAINING METHODS Certification. Earn your credential + ceus and master the most effective and innovative training, programming and coaching methods to keep your clients performing and progressing PAIN-FREE for life. We can’t just keep going heavier or doing more. We need different strategies to continually progress. Similarly, not every client has the desire, tools, or ability to train in traditional ways. That’s where this certification comes in. It teaches you how to deliver results without relying on going heavier or just doing more. Because as you progress, and as you enter different training environments you need more tools in your toolbox.

We will be teaching methods, techniques & strategies that are part of your clients’ programs.

  • Supersets: how to build effective supersets that don’t just fatigue people but rather greatly improve results.
  • Eccentrics: what is “real” eccentric training and how to use these techniques to improve physiques and prevent injuries.
  • The go to progression system to ensure everyone can be successful at almost any exercise.
  • The supplemental side of the pyramids: go to exercises for unique benefits that build the most commonly neglected qualities and bodyparts.
  • The supplemental side of the pyramids: go to pre-hab exercises for the most commonly seen injuries by the PPSC physical therapist staff members.
  • RNT and accommodating resistance training methods: how these can benefit all trainees.
  • Power training for all: we can’t just throw med-balls and clean barbells!
  • Force vectors and angulation: unique overload for novel adaptation and also pain avoidance
  • Programming Practicals

Course Format

We will lecture for about 30 minutes per topic, then spend 30-60 minutes hands on practicing the methods.

Why Did We Create This Course

There are many “tool” certifications (barbell, landmine, sandbag, kettlebell, etc.)

There are many “systems” certifications (PPSC, Animal Flow, Yoga, Pilates, etc.)

But we haven’t seen any “in-session methods” courses out there. So we built it and are covering topics that our 8,000 plus PPSC certified trainers ask us about regularly. These are topics that you’ll put into play IMMEDIATELY. Our #1 feedback about our education is that it’s APPLICABLE AND USEFUL. And this course will deliver that again.


Does this give CEU's?

Yes. It is Pre-Approved with ACE (1.4) and NASM (1.6), and all other major organizations will accept the course.

Where will these events be this year?

We will only be holding 4 in person Pain-Free Training Methods events this year.




Accredited certification agencies and allied health organizations have their own CEU/CEC reporting and approval policies. Contact those organizations directly to learn about their specific CEU/CEC approval processes.

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What PPSC attendees are saying…

“PPSC is the cornerstone tool for the way we keep our clients healthy”

“Supersets, eccentrics, isometrics and accommodating resistance are often tossed into training protocols for a little “spice”. The PPSCx reveals the why, how and when to program those elements to get the best results for the client. I am SO glad to finally be taught how to use these modalities in a way that can progress my client with purpose in a realistic training time frame. The instructors, Cliff and David, are experienced and knowledgeable yet humbly accessible and relatable. I was totally engaged the whole weekend…”

Reba Wek-lake

“PPSC expanded my skill set to keep my clients healthier and progressing”

“We were able to bring our whole team and it was the best experience. We have a range of new to experienced trainers and we all got something new out of it! It was the perfect package of new theory (on programming, prehab, etc) and practical application (cueing, supersets, etc). It’s absolutely the best overall course to learn how to really help your clients progress without pain. We’ve already started using what we learned and our clients are loving it!”

Steph Niciarz

“Focus on one thing – moving PAIN-FREE!”

“I really enjoyed the PPSCx Training workshop. This is my first experience learning with PPSC, and it is easy to see they are a group of experienced professionals that are wanting to provide those in the fitness industry to be successful in their craft & care of clients. Impressive work.”

Will Valencia

“PPSC expanded my skill set to keep my clients healthier and progressing”

“Just when I thought the PPSC team couldn’t possibly deliver any more value, they outdid themselves once again! I can’t tell you how many times I had “Ah-ha!” moments during this PPSCx weekend. Right after the first lunch break, I looked at my business partner and said “This is REALLY good! We needed this!” I have been a coach for 7 years, and I have been a gym owner for 2 years. This new certification gave me many new tools to implement in my facility in terms of programming, coaching systems, and client interactions. Plus, the networking opportunity with other like-minded individuals was incredibly valuable. David and Clif made this weekend jammed packed with tons of fantastic information, and they delivered it in a way that was interactive, FUN, and easy to implement immediately with my clients. I’m extremely grateful to have had the opportunity to attend this event, and I’d honestly do it 10 times over. Thank you PPSC for making me a better coach and leader. Thank you for helping me help others change their lives through fitness. You guys rock!”

Ashley Szabo

“PPSC is the cornerstone tool for the way we keep our clients healthy”

“The PPSC programs and certifications have not only improved my personal fitness level
and performance, but have greatly improved my ability to coach my students at all levels, and deal with numerous physical limitations often seen today. I feel confident in coaching people who feel they have been broken and making them feel strong, and identifying weaknesses in those who are strong to make sure they stay that way. Best training in the industry!”

Gina Bauman

“Focus on one thing – moving PAIN-FREE!”

“PPSCxtrain was by far one of the best seminars to continue our training for safety and addressing the nagging questions we all have as coaches as trainers. Which supplementary movements are the most useful when there is so much information out there? How and Why we use power training? How in the heck do I program eccentrics and isoometrics, and are they even useful?! PPSCxtrain will bring you answers to your burning questions on a intimate basis. If you’re looking to the next step of training besides how to move but also how to look at the big picture programming, this is one of the better ones out there. Real people with a variety of backgrounds and knowledge coming together to help you with what to do next.”

Tivi Mauro

“PPSC is the cornerstone tool for the way we keep our clients healthy”

“Supersets, eccentrics, isometrics and accommodating resistance are often tossed into training protocols for a little “spice”. The PPSCx reveals the why, how and when to program those elements to get the best results for the client. I am SO glad to finally be taught how to use these modalities in a way that can progress my client with purpose in a realistic training time frame. The instructors, Cliff and David, are experienced and knowledgeable yet humbly accessible and relatable. I was totally engaged the whole weekend…”

Reba Wek-lake

Owner of Vigor Ground Fitness

“PPSC expanded my skill set to keep my clients healthier and progressing”

“We were able to bring our whole team and it was the best experience. We have a range of new to experienced trainers and we all got something new out of it! It was the perfect package of new theory (on programming, prehab, etc) and practical application (cueing, supersets, etc). It’s absolutely the best overall course to learn how to really help your clients progress without pain. We’ve already started using what we learned and our clients are loving it!”

Steph Niciarz

Owner of Hybrid Performance

“Focus on one thing – moving PAIN-FREE!”

“I really enjoyed the PPSCx Training workshop. This is my first experience learning with PPSC, and it is easy to see they are a group of experienced professionals that are wanting to provide those in the fitness industry to be successful in their craft & care of clients. Impressive work.”

Will Avalos

Owner of

“Focus on one thing – moving PAIN-FREE!”

“Just when I thought the PPSC team couldn’t possibly deliver any more value, they outdid themselves once again! I can’t tell you how many times I had “Ah-ha!” moments during this PPSCx weekend. Right after the first lunch break, I looked at my business partner and said “This is REALLY good! We needed this!” I have been a coach for 7 years, and I have been a gym owner for 2 years. This new certification gave me many new tools to implement in my facility in terms of programming, coaching systems, and client interactions. Plus, the networking opportunity with other like-minded individuals was incredibly valuable. David and Clif made this weekend jammed packed with tons of fantastic information, and they delivered it in a way that was interactive, FUN, and easy to implement immediately with my clients. I’m extremely grateful to have had the opportunity to attend this event, and I’d honestly do it 10 times over. Thank you PPSC for making me a better coach and leader. Thank you for helping me help others change their lives through fitness. You guys rock!”

Ashley Szabo

Owner of

“PPSC is the cornerstone tool for the way we keep our clients healthy”

“The PPSC programs and certifications have not only improved my personal fitness level
and performance, but have greatly improved my ability to coach my students at all levels, and deal with numerous physical limitations often seen today. I feel confident in coaching people who feel they have been broken and making them feel strong, and identifying weaknesses in those who are strong to make sure they stay that way. Best training in the industry!”

Gina Bauman

Owner of Vigor Ground Fitness

“Focus on one thing – moving PAIN-FREE!”

“PPSCxtrain was by far one of the best seminars to continue our training for safety and addressing the nagging questions we all have as coaches as trainers. Which supplementary movements are the most useful when there is so much information out there? How and Why we use power training? How in the heck do I program eccentrics and isoometrics, and are they even useful?! PPSCxtrain will bring you answers to your burning questions on a intimate basis. If you’re looking to the next step of training besides how to move but also how to look at the big picture programming, this is one of the better ones out there. Real people with a variety of backgrounds and knowledge coming together to help you with what to do next.”

Tivi Mauro

Owner of