Dr Nicholas Vernola Jr. PT, DPT, SDN CAPP-Pelvic is a physical therapist who began his education with the State University of New York at Corltand, where he received his Bachelor of Science (BS) in Exercise Science. While at SUNY Cortland, Dr. Nick developed a passion for working with athletes to further analyze the way their anatomy moved and what made them so great at what they did.
Only weeks following his undergraduate education at SUNY Cortland, Dr Nick continued his education with the State University of New York at Stony Brook to become a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT). During his time as a DPT student, Dr. Nick expanded his understanding of human anatomy by pursuing certifications through third party educational groups, such as the Section on Women's Health, to specialize in pelvic health.
With advanced knowledge of pelvic anatomy, which exceeded that of most already established physical therapists', Dr Nick compounded his education to include, what he believed to be, an often neglected piece of anatomy when thinking of our more advanced athletes. However, purely scholastic understanding was not enough for Dr. Nick.
Dr. Nick continued devoting himself to pelvic health by going behind the scenes, shadowing gynecologists, urologists, and other physical therapists of well respected New York City hospitals such as Memorial Sloan Kettering. Eventually, Dr. Nick took his practices up to Connecticut where he put his knowledge to work with some of the country's greatest, crossfitters, super marathoners, crew rowers, figure skaters, dancers and much more.
Now practicing in Decatur, Georgia Dr Nick can also be found at local mom and pop shop cafes elbow deep in a stack of his favorite comic books or running along the railroad tracks in his free time.