Dr. Mick Foley is the owner and Physical Therapist at MPowered. He is originally from Oreland, PA just outside of Philadelphia. He specializes in golf injuries and performance, athlete rehab/training, and general lifting injuries/training. He is Titleist Performance Medical 2 Certified. This certification provides the gold standard for golf specific training. He is planning to complete the full Level 3 training post-COVID. Dr. Mick also enjoys using this certification on himself to improve his golf game and keep up with his clients (More info available on TPI).
He is also a Pain Free Performance Specialist (PPSC) to help you train smart, harder, and healthier than ever before. It has elevated his clients training and increased their results quickly. Outside of work; Dr. Mick is a Philadelphia sports team fan, is on the golf course, in the gym, or visiting his family.
He looks forward to working with each type of client and improving your life not only now but for the future.