
Hi!  I own Fit For Golf! Fit For Life!  I currently work mostly with the ends of the spectrum:  Juniors and the 50+ population.  Being 52 years old myself, I can relate with the aches, pains, and loss of strength or mobility in my clients.  My 29 years of experience in the fitness industry as well as a golfer myself, has helped me empower my clients mentally, emotionally and physically.  Hey, AGING is inevitable.  DECAYING is optional.

I am Level 3 Titleist Performance Certified for adults and juniors.  I also am certified for Power Performance.   My degree is Early Childhood Development which has been wonderful in my coaching of junior athletes.

I have two other trainers who work with me as well as a Flexibility Specialist.  So, we try to help as many people in our North Scottsdale and Cave Creek area of Arizona as possible.  We even do virtual coaching!

PPSC has been instrumental in aiding my systematic approach to screening and programming success in my clients.




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