
I am coach Steven and before starting your training journey I'd like to explain a little more about my background and some of the core values that Uplifting Fitness and Nutrition is built on.

I’ve been training for over 10 years. I found my love of fitness through personal exploration of trying to lead a healthier life for myself. Growing up i was clinically obese. The heaviest weight I had on the scale at 5 foot 2 at the time was 327lbs. I was very depressed and unhappy with myself whenever I saw myself I would hold my head Down. So i decided to make a change.. I got in the gym and you know what I didn't have a clue about what I needed to do. It was nerve wrecking and I definitely didn't have any idea how to move or even lose weight. But that didn't stop me and I got it done. I researched how to train to lose weight. I eventually lost over 143lbs. I went on to eventually study at the school of NASM Obtaining multiple certifications some include:
CPT (Personal Trainer)
FNS (Fitness Nutrition Specialist)
CES (Corrective Exercise Specialist)
PES ( Performance Enhancement Specialist)
I’ve also expanded into strength sports. I am a competitive powerlifter under the USAPL. I am currently ranked 56 out 1500 lifters in the 105kg class. I am also a certified Powerlifting Coach through USAPL.

Other Certifications
ISSA Strength and Conditioning Coach
ISSA Sports Nutrition Coach

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