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Top 9 Mace Exercises For Strength and Performance
Have you ever been on social media and watched your favorite trainer swing around this metal stick with a heavy ball attached at the end, then think to yourself…what the hell is that thing? I had the same reaction when I saw someone using a Steel Mace for the[…]
The Wrist: Anatomy and Exercise Alterations
Hips, Shoulders, Lumbopelvic We hear all about the joints that place a large burden on our day to day lives but for some reason we miss one. The Wrist It’s no secret we need to use our hands to complete most of the activities we do throughout our days but[…]
Phase 5 – Foundational Movement Development
Lets talk a little Phase 5 movement pattern prep, shall we?! One of the most versatile exercises that doesn’t get nearly enough credit (especially in the warm up) for it’s ability to mobilize and strengthen at novel end ranges is the lateral lunge. For many of my clients, I[…]
The Best Rehab Exercises and How to Use Them
Rehab. The place of the magic healing wands that do not even need to plugged in to “work”. The place where you can get a hot pack and an average massage for just a $30 co-pay. The place where the squat rack is only used to hang equipment off of[…]
Why Squatting is Different Than Other Exercises
Early in your training career your learn the Squat is King! The most widely known full body move on the planet, the squat holds its position at the top (debatably) of the exercise hierarchy of moves. That definitely makes sense considering the long list of benefits in the squat.[…]
Movement – Your Children Depend on YOU
Now this is going to be an unpopular opinion… Parents need to start being better role models for their children when it comes to what they eat, how they exercise AND the lifestyle choices they make. As we look at the absolute shit storm that our current societal health is[…]
Misleading Feedback: Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness
Gym Bro – “Dude, I had the most SAVAGE leg day last Wednesday! I still can’t walk straight” Rational Human – “Uhhh, Tim, it’s Monday. You are seriously still sore” Gym Bro – “Yeah man! How awesome!” Actually, that is not awesome. But unfortunately that’s a relatively common[…]
Modality Adjustment: How Equipment Makes ALL the Difference
We all love machines, dumbbells & barbells to train effectively and get strong. But there are LOTS of other types of equipment to choose too! John has already talked a lot about bands and chains so let’s look at some of the other tools. The goal of this article[…]
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